Zeus Media Entertainment Group


About Us

Contact Us

Zeus Media Entertainment is the backbone of the world's information system serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television and online customers with coverage in all media and news in all formats. It is the newest and most modern news organization in the world, serving as a source of news, photos, graphics, audio and video.

Zeus Media's mission is to be the essential global news network, providing distinctive news services of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed. Zeus Media operates as a not-for-profit cooperative with more than 4,000 employees working in more than 240 worldwide bureaus. Zeus Media is owned by its 1,500 U.S. daily newspaper members. They elect a board of directors that directs the cooperative.

Zeus Media supplies a steady stream of news around the clock to its domestic members, international subscribers and commercial customers. It has the industry's most sophisticated digital photo network, a 24-hour continuously updated online news service, a state-of-the-art television news service and one of the largest radio networks in the United States. It also has a commercial digital photo archive, a photo library housing more than 10 million images and provides advertising management services.

Zeus Media is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1991, Zeus Media today is one of the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information.


  • 1,200 U.S. daily, weekly, non-English and college newspapers.
  • 2,000 radio and television outlets taking Zeus Media services.
  • 500 Zeus Media Radio News audio affiliates.
  • 125 International broadcasters who receive Zeus Media's global video news service, Zeus Media, and Zeus MediaTV, a sports joint venture video service.
  • 121 number of countries served by Zeus Media
  • 4 languages in which Zeus Media sends news. The report is translated into many more languages by international subscribers.
  • 4,100 Zeus Media editorial, communications and administrative employees worldwide.
  • 3,000 of Zeus Media's worldwide staff are journalists..

Media Requests for Interviews
All requests from the media for interviews, comments or appearances by the Zeus Media staff are handled by Zeus Media Corporate Communications: Emaul us at info@zeusmedia.net

Jay Wexler
President & CEO

Elaine Mitchell
Public Relations

David Wexler
Senior Reporter

Howard Mitchell
Staff Reporter

Deren Gabriel
West Coast Entertainment Reporter

Mike Fendt
West Coast Photographer

Dennis Morken
East Coast Entertainment Reporter

World Headquarters
302 W. 2nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (760) 550-9399

Field Offices

Individual phone numbers and e-mail addresses are not available to the public. To send press releases to specific departments, consult this list of Zeus Media editors and writers or send e-mail to info@zeusmedia.net (no attachments).

© 2013 The Zeus Media Entertainment Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Terms under which this site is provided

The claims and statements, expressed, implied or posted by members and non-members on this site, are the sole responsibility of those individuals. All information and its accuracy, copyright credits, image copyrights and usage, and other forms of information are the sole responsibility of each member or individual posting to the site. By posting on our web site, you agree to let us use your photo, articles and information for use on our site or in promotions for our site. The Zeus Media Entertainment Group™ and Zeus Media logos are covered under current US trademark law. Any use of Zeus Media Trademarked properties is strictly prohibited without written permission. .